Carnarvon Water Playground


Construction on the Carnarvon Water playground began in October 2011 and took only 9 days to complete. The play area was 134m2 in size incorporating custom-made features and ground sprays.

The project was run in a similar fashion to Forbes, but the main obstacle was the water table where the catchment tank was installed.

Company Director, Tony Jones, and two full-time employees were on-site to oversee and/or construct all aspects of the project which was completed in record time.

The park was a recent State and national winner in the annual Swimming Pools and Spa Association (SPASA) awards for the “Innovative” water feature category in recognition of our system to pre-fabricate the majority of the componentry in Perth, which is then installed on-site.

The cost savings to our clients is substantial which allowed us to win contracts in Forbes,NSW, and Sandstone, WA. The result is significant cost savings to clients and substantially reduced lead times.

Ready to start a project of your own?

We personally oversee each project from the design phase through to completion with after-sales training in water playground management and maintenance as part of the service.


Northam Splash Park


Cue Water Playground